Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reality TV

I am a self confessed reality show addict. I don't watch all of them, but I have probably perused most of them at least once. Why do I like them? Because they are entertaining. Not because they are real. Come on, they are productions. Is anyone really suprised when some of these subjects go on to actual acting careers? Tune in to certain shows, and the acting doesn't come close to the acting that is done on reality tv. The ones that I like are the contests, like Survivor, Amazing Race, Big Brother, Top Chef, etc. I always root for the underdog, which is my usual m.o. The only one I would love to do is the Amazing Race, but I am not nearly in shape enough at this point in time. If I were to be on that show, I would do anything I could to win the race. Lie, backstab, whatever. I am astounded when people get onto these shows, and within days everyone loves each other. Survivor is awesome. I could never do it, as I don't even like to get my hands dirty. The mind game part of it though, I would be great at. I have no doubt I could outwit alot of people. Make friends? Probably not. On all these shows, inevitably there is always someone that wants to play the game honestly. They make alliances, and promises. To people they just met. I'm sorry, but for a million dollars, I would be looking out for number one. End of story. Of course there are lots of people that hate reality tv. There are many people that won't watch it. It's crap they say. What do you want to bet that these same people watch the "news" religiously.

The first reality tv? The news. I rarely watch the news. Occasionly I get sucked in by a promo of some important story which always ends up being at the end of the newscast, in which case I miss it. I don't watch the whole thing. Ever. My first problem is, I have a low tolerance for newscasters that cannnot speak. I have yet to find a local anchor person that doesn't constantly flub their lines. Yes, I said it, their lines. Could I get in front of a camera and say this crap without messing up? No. But if this is your chosen career, learn to speak. Secondly, the same story does not need to be shown over and over again. Thirdly, stop sensationalizing everything. Everytime something happens in the world, be it a tsunami, some sort of outbreak, tornados, etc., our local news has to talk about the possibilities of these things happening here. Really. I can't speak much on the national or world news, as I never watch. I can't take the negativity. The doom and gloom has to stop. We know bad things can happen. But, so can good things. We know the economy is bad, but until we are all living in tent cities, shut the eff up. Some people actually buy into all this crap. When I mention that I need to start looking for a job soon, I am told there are no jobs. There are jobs. It could be a long hard process. I may have to take a job at a lower pay rate, that is not my ideal job. But, everything is not completely in the toilet. We need some upbeat, positive news, like pronto. Of course, we need to know that there is an outbreak of swine flu. Do we need to be told the worse case scenerio over and over? Tell us about it, tell us the precautions to take, and move on. Stop all the what ifs. Why does the news have to be a specific block of time? Say there is really only 15 minutes worth of news one night, why not leave it at that and use the rest of the air time for a feel good story. Or a reality show. I get what little news I need from the internet, but mostly from my people around me that actually waste their time watching this crap. I am too busy with my family. When I get to sit down and watch tv, I want to be entertained. I don't want to sit and watch someone being paid six figures to flub the word swine.

1 comment:

  1. The news is so depressing. One bad thing after another. However, when they do a heartwarming lost dog that was found 200 miles away story, I roll my eyes and say, "Stupid human interest story."



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.