Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!

As usual, breakfast started out in the highchair and has now moved to the green room, where the bulk of the toys are. At least we get to start in the kitchen, so we can watch the pug boys go potty and make sure they aren't dogknapped by the mean coyote. I have my trusty shovel right next to the door. It is the same shovel we have used to throw the poopy into the woods for the last nine years. One day there may be a poor, mean coyote limping through those woods with a poopy laden head wound. As long as he doesn't cross me, he is safe. I am free at the moment to blog, since my duty of carrying the sippy of milk and bowl of fruit and sitting them in the exact spot that is pointed out to me is complete. Okay, I have just been handed the duster and told to clean the floor:) Oh, now Sophie is cleaning Toby with the duster. Better him then me!

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About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.