Sunday, April 5, 2009


For whatever reason, I can't use the space bar in the title, thus the title "Marriage", and not "Gay Marriage", the actual subject of my rantings today. Sorry, but I will have to wait until my more computer literate husband comes home to figure out what the heck is going on. Anyway, I was shocked to learn yesterday that Iowa will now allow Gay marriage. Why wasn't this on AOL's front page, I wonder? I will admit, I did not do a whole lot of reading up on it. Though, I did see where there is some concern that Iowa will now become a "Gay Mecca", with gays and lesbians flocking there to get married, oh my! Umm, in these "tough economic times", any person with half a brain could figure out that this could bring untold revenue into Iowa! Hell, if I wanted to go into catering, could live in a land lock state, and wasn't worried about my small dogs being carried off in a tornado, I would be packing up the uhaul now. Hell, why don't they just raise the tax on astroglide? This is an amazing business opportunity people!

Back to the subject of mariage. Of course there are lots of Christian fundementalist groups up in arms over this. Have you ever noticed the names of these groups? They are always something like the American Coalition of families, or some similiar b.s. Why don't they just call it what it is, like American Coalition for the Preservation of the missionary postion. What I will never understand is why people care who wants to marry who. Or why we think we have the right to tell people they are not a "real" family, because there is not a mom and dad. I love marriage. MY personal belief in marriage is that two people who cannot imagine life without eachother, and want to commit the rest of their lives, and are willing to do so no matter what(barring abuse, of course) should be able to do so. The divorce rate in this country is ridiculous. Why don't all these anti gay marriage people, masking themselves as "Pro Family" spend their time counseling engaged couples about the pitfalls of marriage. We spend so much time worrying about the stupidest things. Are there really idiots that think a child is better off in a traditional family, where there is at least a 50/50 chance that Mommy and Daddy will divorce, than in a loving family that may be two moms or two dads? Thank God we are raising our child to be loving, tolerant, and accepting of others. MY sincere hope and belief is that by the time Sophie is old enough to understand, any two consenting adults will be allowed to be married anywhere in the United States, and all married couples will take their vows more seriously.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you! My mother-in-law loves to send me books with paragraphs underlined - particularly the paragraphs about gay marriage and how wrong it is. I don't think it's wrong at all for two people who want to commit their lives together to be married, who cares of their gender?



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.