Monday, April 27, 2009

What a Day...

So, today started when I could hear my husband looking for something (a very common occurance). "Where's the flashlight?" Why? There is a leak under the kitchen sink. No effing way! I am still dealing with the whole leaky dishwasher flooded the floor in the kitchen and dining room fiasco. We have a brand new kitchen floor, new carpet padding, a repaired dishwasher(not even three years old), and supposedly dried out subfloor under the cabinets. What we don't have is a resolution to the damaged counter where the dishwasher was pulled out to replace the floor. Shockingly, it is hard to match 24 year old gold lanimate. So, after not finding anything in the samples I was given, I am supposed to find the time to go to the showroom and look for more. Ater it was proven that the floor company caused this damage(involving a tell all photo I snapped the day before the new floor was to be installed) I was told they would replace the strip they damaged. So, not only will that not match the top counter, but the two sides that meet it, and the whole rest of the stripping won't match. I did point out how ridiculous this is, but I think we are at a standstill. Anyway, so my hubby "thinks" he found the problem, and will check it when he gets home. Needless to say, as soon as Sophie went down for a nap, I checked it out. Soaked. Turned on the water, and watched it drip. Four insurance people later, I'm told to call the mismatch strip replacing floor guy, who of course wondered why on earth they would tell me to call him. Umm, because your guys were incompetent and probably damaged something under the sink??? I will call a plumber. Plumber guy came right out, said it wasn't related, fixed it, and charged me $300.00. I will be calling insurance tomorrow. I just can't believe that the shut off valve went cupooey right after multiple people were in and out turning the water off and on. In the meantime, the cupboard doors are open and being fanned in hopes of no more damage to the subfloor and my new kitchen floor. Sophie, being her Mommys' daughter, kept closing the doors, because noone wants to look at opened cabinet doors. Except Chet.

In the meantime, earlier in the day some guy in a uniform dragged a yellow hose across the back of our property and sprayed the blackberry bushes behind us. We live on a greenbelt, which I am told is owned by the fire dept. Considering where this forest borders, I don't think they will be trying to build a firehouse anytime soon. Up until three years ago, our property and the property of our three neighbors was well protected by all this growh. Then we get a new neighbor who wants a new fence and doesn't want things growing over it, so in comes a backhoe making a road behind our houses. Not big enough for a vehicle, but a wide path for anyone that wants to venture from the main road and walk right into our backyards. The next summer, most of the path had been covered, and here came the spray. Chet was ticked, because he likes the blackberries. I love the view, especially in the summer when everything is in bloom. So, sprayer guy spent two minutes behind our house, causing Simon to bark for at least two hours. Not to mention, it is a good thing I was decent, and not outside in my nightgown throwing poopy into the woods when our unexpected guest arrived. When you have total privacy, you take things for granted.

So, it is Monday, and I had alot of cleaning and laundry to do. I just could not get motivated. I did get some things done during Sophies nap. Plumber guy finally left after 6pm, so I started making dinner. Sophie was very cranky. I gave her some cheese, but when dinner was ready, she wouldn't eat any chicken and rice. She drank 2 sippies of milk and wanted more. And, she wanted to be held. I did get her to eat a couple of pieces of melon. Then I realize she is very warm. Trying to take her temp was sooo fun!!! Luckily, we have two thermometers, so she played with one while I took her temp. Fever of almost 102. Sophie has never had a fever. I was going to give her a lukewarm bath, but she was very tired, so I gave her Tylenol and put her down. Then I went back to laundry and vacumming. In my defense, I am dusting with one hand while blogging. But I am so tired. And worried about Sophie. And my new floor. And the money I am out. Mostly Sophie. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and my Soso will feel better. Oh, and plumber guy caught me by suprise with his quick response, so I had to rally the dogs. Toby was hard to catch, and the guy wouldn't even come in until I wrangled him. Toby is very loving and doesn't bark. Simon wouldn't shut up, and the guy was uber annoyed. Hey, at least he didn't come around the back early in the morning. That would have been way more scary..

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.