Tuesday, April 28, 2009


People are just too serious this days. I had an epiphany back when I was 18. I was at a nice restaurant with my friend and her family for her 18th birthday, and a piece of steak fell off my fork and smack dab into my purse. Shit. These things always seemed to happen to me. As I recall, I took my napkin and picked it out. The thing was, all the sudden it hit me. This was funny. After that, anytime in my life when strange or weird things happen to me, I laugh. They happen ALOT. Of course, many people will tell you that I take things seriously. First, I have a serious face. Second, I don't always express myself well. Third, I do take certain things seriously, like work. Though, I have really mellowed out, especially since I became a mom. The thing is, I have a certain level of anxiety, so, say I was running late for something important, I would get worked up. Thus, I try never to run late. Never for work, or appoinments. Casual meetings I don't get worked up about. Anyway, I really think we all need to stop taking life so seriously.

I will admit, I started wasting time reading the comments on certain internet sites. Like comments to news stories. They are truly ridiculous. Most of the comments are very ignorant, bashing people based on looks, race, sexuality, etc. Today there was an article about a woman that was fired because she called in sick and then was on Facebook. What the F? Now, anyone who has ever worked with me or for me, will tell you I don't call in sick, and get very annoyed with people that do. I would be at work sick as a dog and have someone call and say they just can't make it because they have their period, they don't feel like it, their dog ate their homework, etc. On more than one occasion I would go to the local fair and see someone I knew was scheduled(I did the schedule) and return to work the next day to find they called out sick. Thus, I rarely believed anyone, unless they really sounded sick. So this woman was laying in bed, accsessing facebook from her iphone, and got caught. Then these idiots respond that she "stole" sick time. I'm sorry, some people have to be doing something all the time. I am usually doing several things at once. Part of the reason I never called in sick was I can't just lay around. It is too depressing. I was on bedrest at the beginning of my pregnancy, and had it continued any longer, I would have gotten a laptop. Instead I had a portable dvd player, watched tv, read and racked up incredible cell phone bills. Who gives a shit if she was on facebook? This was in another country, in Europe I think. I just don't see how this could get her fired. Plus, these stupid comments from idiots that aren't anywhere working themselves, unless they are at work using the internet. Seriously.

Parenting is another subject that is taken so seriously. I really thought I would be an uptight mom, worried about every little thing. I am an A class worrier, or I used to be. As it turns out, I am way more laid back than I thought. So, Sophie eats dog food sometimes. We play ball in the house. She drops her binky and sometimes, with no other alternative, I lick it clean. I formula fed, BY Coice!!! Plus, I do really need to clean up my language, but I don't think Sophie will be scarred for life if she hears a dirty word.

The economy is in the toilet. Or so we are told, five effing times a frickin day. Shut up already! So everyone won't be able to have 6000 square foot homes and Juicy to cover their asses. Maybe people will start to appreciate the simple things. I really hope so. If so many people didn't take everything so seriously, we wouldn't be in this effed up mess in the first place. There is a saying, if we want things to be different, we need to do things differently. Duh. Gee, how can me stimulate this economy? Lets start by legalizing marijuana. Smart business people could set up shop. Legalize prostitution while you are at it. It is legal to drink and smoke cigarettes, but we actually spend money we don't have on prostitution stings and arresting people for smoking mojo??? Make legitimate businesses. Hell, repeat customers could have a savings card. Like, after the ninth blow job, the tenth is free. Not only would these business generate some money, but maybe once more people are relaxing and getting laid, everyone wouldn't be so flippin serious.


  1. You forgot the swine flu. How SERIOUS everyone is over it! Until someone I know gets swine flu, I'm going to ignore all of the CNN & MSN headlines. I never knew anyone who got SARS or bird flu, so why is this any different?

  2. Ah, yes. Swine flu. That's best saved for my coming soon media rant. I knew lots of people with SARS, lol. Anyone with a scab said it was SARS. Seriously:)



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.