Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Being raised Catholic, and having spent most of my grade school years, and all of my highschool years in parochial schools, I have lots of memories of Good Friday. My first memory of the Stations of the Cross is from first or second grade at St. John in Greenwood, a very beautiful church. While I was awestruck by the older students performing the Stations of the Cross, I was a little squirmy in my seat. My other memories of Good Friday are about getting out of school early and going out to lunch with my Mom and sisters. Holidays were always so fun in my family, and I always looked forward to them. It wasn't until the Easter right after my 10th birthday that I found out the Easter Bunny did not exsist. My youngest sister, who was three at the time, was sick in the hospital, and my Dad took the rest of us to church while my mom was headed to see my sister. I remember looking out the back window as we drove away and seeing my mom turn around and go back. All of the sudden it clicked, and I figured it out. We always had very elabaorate Easter baskets that were hidden around the house, as well as other items, like toys and such. We would discover them when we came home from church. Then my Dad would hide eggs in the backyard. I only recall going to one actual Easter egg hunt, probably the same year, or maybe the next. With four girls, it was fun just to have them in our backyard. Last year, Sophie was only 7 months old, and try as I did, I could not find a venue for her to crawl around and search for eggs. I did take her to see the Easter Bunny and get her picture. This year, I am on the hunt again. I have found lots of options, but haven't decided which one to go to. I really want Sophie to have all the fun memories of all the holidays, as I do. We did not go to the Stations of the Cross this year, but we will be going to Easter Mass. Sophie does okay during Mass. We always take her with us, because we want her there, but it may get to the pont that she will have to go to the nursery. I hope not. There is no childcare during the Easter Mass, but of course she will look so cute, no one will care if she's a distraction, right?


  1. Right! Sophie is so cute! My memories of the Stations of the Cross go back further than yours of course--a crowded packed old St. Ann's Church in Tacoma, full of Catholic grade school kids with wet coats and the smell of glue (we must have had art right before trekking over to the church--and I think it was every Friday during Lent. Oh yes, I can see it all now...Judy

  2. And I remember the old wooden kneelers at St. Ann's, no padding on the knees, remember....that WAS a Lenten sacrifice for me....keep on blogging Ann; they are so interesting and fun to read! Happy Easter from Marilyn



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.