Monday, April 13, 2009


Yesterday was Easter, and our 12th wedding anniversary. It's funny, because we planned our wedding for a year and a half, and when we went to book the church, the date we picked, April 19th, there was something going on, so we picked the week before. It never occured to me that it would sometimes fall on Easter, until the next year. At some point I looked at a calendar and realized our first anniversary was on Easter. Pretty cool, I thought. Then Easterversary came, and while I did receive an Easter suprise of some sort, no anniversary gift. I thought I had been cheated. Little did I realize that was just a hint of holidays to come. That year, we went to Vancouver, stayed in a beautiful hotel, and had a wonderful time. Over the years, we have had some unfortunate anniversaries, like the year I miscarried on that day, the next year when I had surgery that day, and in 2007, when I got to have my first appointment with the diabetic nurse who told us all the terrible risks of gestational diabetes. Last year, our anniversary was on a Saturday, and Chet and I took Sophie to downtown Seattle and the Pike Place Market for the first time. It was almost 80 degrees that day, and we stopped at one of our favorite restaurants on the way home. A wonderful day. This year, it was raining the day before, so we went to my favorite mall and watched Sophie have a blast in the kids play area. Then we stopped at the same restaurant, where Sophie sat in a booster seat for the first time. Such a big girl! She did so well, and we had another great day. Sunday, we went to church, where we had to stand, even though we arrived early. Sophie ws so beautiful in her new Easter outfit. She did so well during mass, I think it was a blessing that we had to stand. Sophie can get pretty squirmy in the pew. Plus, there are some hymnals with torn pages she may know something about.. Then we came home to see that the Easter bunny had indeed visited. We had a blast checking everything out and watching Sophie have such a great time. Then we went to my parents, where my Dad hid lots of eggs with quarters for Sophies piggy bank. It was the best Easter ever, making it a pretty darn good Easterversary. I can't wait for the next one. Then again, Sophie will be about 12, so maybe I can:) I do know that I want to savor every moment in between.


  1. Hey there Bloggidy Ann...enjoy reading your blogs so try not to keep up the daily entries...Our Easter, while lovely at KC's, was not the same without Don...we'll make up for it this summer in the back yard (if it ever gets nice)....See you Friday at coffee!!!! Marilyn

  2. Oops....sorry...I mean TRY TO KEEP UP THE DAILY ENTRIES!!!!...Marilyn



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.