Saturday, April 4, 2009


Hi! As this is my first blog post, allow me to introduce myself. I am a 42 year old married mom to one miracle little girl, and two spoiled, crazy pug boys. I spent 22 years working in the retail world, all for the same company. I am currently on sabbatical, not as a victim to the economy, my job was very secure. I decided shortly(within hours) after returning from maternity leave that I wanted to take a year off to spend with my daughter, and contemplate what the next chapter in my career would be. I worked until my daughter turned one, and I have been off for seven months now. I have entered a new and strange world that revolves around "playdates" and "parenting philosophies". Love playdates, have NO philosophy. I do what works for me and my family, which is pretty much how I do everything. I have always had a mind of my own, which has served me well:) I am Catholic, but do not agree with everything the church says. I am very liberal in some ways, and conservative in others. I cringe at being labeled a democrat or republican. I really don't care what others do with themselves, as long as they aren't bringing harm to anyone, or infringing on basic rights. Owning an oozie and killing an unborn child are not "basic" rights, in my opinion. You won't find me protesting on a street corner, however. I am too busy in my own little world:)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading all the blogs...can't wait to read more!



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.