Sunday, April 19, 2009

More Whine than Wine

Okay, I have to confess, I don't get the whole wine thing. Maybe it's because I have never had good wine. I think the only wine I have ever had was the occasional sip at a holiday dinner when I was growing up, and at communion, sometimes. I really am not much of a drinker at all. My cardinal rule is, I only eat or drink things that I know taste good, or look or smell like they may taste good. I do eat veggies that I may not love, because they are good for me. Also, I prefer to hang on to the few facilties that I have. Thus, I will have the occasional Raspberry Margarita(yum), when I am not driving, and I have some Raspberry Smirnhoffs in my pantry that I will have with Diet Coke in the rare event I am in the mood for a drink. The mere smell of wine goes straight to my head. All around me it seems, everyone loves wine. And drinks it. And then drives. I won't go there on that subjuect yet. Suffice it to say, having lost my sister in a car accident were drinking wasn't even involved, I don't understand how people can drink at all and then drive. There are so many terrible, sober drivers out there, and then seemingly smart people add alcohol to the mix. Unbelievable. Back to the subject at hand. I just am not a whine drinker. Add that to list of all the things I do not have in common with the majority of my peers, and it just adds to my social ackwardness. So, I am a 42 year old mom to a toddler that doesn't drink whine, or coffee, and is anxious alot of the time. Woo hoo! Good thing I'm funny. Of course, I am usually too shy to be funny in a crowd. If only I could find something that would loosen me up. Maybe I should cook me up some raspberry vodka chocolate..


  1. No wine here either. At least we're not winos! :)

  2. Hi Ann...what fun reading...just got caught up! Enjoyed them all!



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.