Friday, April 17, 2009

My Mommy tagline

I have been frequenting the same message board for years. After having my daughter, I got to move to the "mommy board". I mostly lurk there, and pipe in occaionally. Most of the time I have to sit staring at my screen, biting my tongue, or rather, willing my fingers not to type. You see, many women on there have a parenting philosophy they will defend to the depths. Unfortunately, defending often means attacking the opposite view. Neither of which I have much interest in. My parenting philosophy for the most part, is do what works. On top of all this, in the tagline of their signatures, they sometimes will have their parenting style in a nutshell. For example, "breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering, cosleeping stay at home mom to a well adjusted child". I have thus far warded off the great temptation to make my own tagline. I will make one for your enjoyment, though.
"Formula feeding, disposable diapering, stroller pushing, sweets giving, occasionally swearing, lenient mommy to one beautiful, binky addicted, dvd watching, pugaholic in training, crib sleeping princess".


  1. Ha ha! I love seeing taglines. Here's mine:

    Set out to be a breastfeeding attachment parenting cosleeping mom. Ended up being spending far too much time coercing my cowlicked, often angry, likely maladjusted princess to eat hypoallergenic formula. At this point, I am sure she will be carrying her pacifier down the wedding aisle with her.

  2. That's funny, Beth. We did do some cosleeping, but Sophie likes her own bed. Ours is a play area to her. We do "baby leading" I suppose, as far as eating, and pretty much whatever Sophie wants to do. I had never even heard of attachment parenting before I had Sophie. I struggled with the breastfeeding dilemna my whole pregnancy, for various reasons, but in the end formula worked out great, for us. Sophie was addicted to the binky before we left the hospital, and I hadn't even planned on giving her one. That first night was the hardest, and Chet slept like a baby on the hospital window seat..I had to pull out the plug:(



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.