Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day 1974

Today is May Day! I love May Day. It signifies to me that summer is coming and flowers are in bloom. To my dismay, May Day seems to be lost on the younger generation. Or, maybe it isn't taught in school anymore. Now, don't expect that I remember the exact meaning of May Day. I will have to google it. All I know is that there would be a May pole, with beautiful ribbons flowing down, and girls dancing around it. For us, it meant making paper flowers, leaving them on a doorstep, ringing the bell,and running. Actually, I believe we left real flowers on the neighbors doorsteps. But, when I was in the first grade, we made flowers baskets out of paper, and I was so excited about running home, ringing the bell, and leaving them on the doorstep for my mom.

Keep in mind, I had just turned 7 years old. I walked to and from school by myself. We lived on 83rd and 3rd, and school was on 80th and 1st, I believe. So, I had to cross a semi busy intersection, first across 80th, and then across 3rd. I ran home with glee that day, so excited about leaving the "flowers" on the doorstep. As I crossed 80th, an elderly couple stopped and got out of the car, panicking. They had hit me with their car, or so they said. I was in a crosswalk, and had the walk sign. To this day, I don't remember being hit. I did fall, but I got up, and was happily continuing on my way. But, No! Someone that lived across the street saw it and called 911. The elderly couple and others that gathered around would not let me leave. I was scared, as these were strangers, and annoyed. A fire engine was there quickly. Then an ambulance, and police car. They made me sit in the ambulance. They wanted to know where I lived. I told them my mom was very busy. My sister Cathy was in kindergarten, my sister Gina was four, and my sister Lisa was 10 monts old. I begged them to let me be on my way. They were ruining the suprise! They wouldn't let me move from the ambulance. I saw my mom pull up and started to run to her, but they stopped me. I yelled, that IS my mom! The elderly man was quite shaken. They had to check him out too, I think. I told my mother that they did not hit me! The woman that called 911 told her that they did. I was so upset. They ruined May Day! Now that I think about it, maybe this is were my need for control began, or maybe it is something I was born with. All I know is, at barely 7, I was extremely upset with these adults for disturbing my mother and ruining May Day. And not listening to me. I was fine, I just wanted to go home.

I can't believe that was 35 years ago! Last night I got tears in my eyes at the thought of Sophie some day leaving flowers on the doorstep, ringing the bell, and hiding. Of course, she won't be walking to school at the age of seven. Her mommy is a little controlling. Then again, Sophie is already extremely strong willed. Hmm, where could she have gotten that from?

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.