Thursday, May 21, 2009


I wish I could be one of those people that doesn't worry. How great would life be without worrying? I can't imagine. Sometimes, I think I am addicted to worrying. I probably am. I do find myself searching my brain for things to worry about. Like, I know there was something, what was it? Oh, yeah, I need to worry about that. For example, I have always worried about money. Really, I could have all the money in the world and still worry. That's why it was so unlike me to quit my job, which was at least 65% of our income. I went back to work when Sophie was 9 weeks old, because I couldn't imagine taking unpaid time. Now here I am, not working, living on savings which is dwindling fast. Lately I have worried myself sick about that situation. Sometimes I think, it's okay, I will get a job and we will be fine. But then the worrier in me kicks in. Now, Sophie is a whole other source of worry. I worry about her lack of eating. I worry something is going to happen. I worry I am damaging her by being with her all the time. I swear, if I have to hear one more time about her being serious I will scream. I have never made a verbal observation about someones child that wasn't positive. Why do I keep hearing all this crap. Now I have found myself explaining that she is shy. Then I feel bad, that I shouldn't say that in front of her. Sophie is who she is right now, which will change as she grows. Why can't people keep their opinions to themselves? I want Sophie to grow up happy and confident, with good self esteem. I don't want any of this negative, worrying, self doubting crap to affect her. When we are together, she is very happy and sure of herself. Lately around other people she is very unsure. It is a phase, I'm sure. Today when I picked her up from the church nursery, I was told she wasn't herself. Didn't want a snack, didn't want anyone to touch her, etc. Something else to worry about. I said I think she is getting her molars, which is true. But maybe that isn't it. Maybe that's just her. If we could just let kids be who they are and let them know that's okay, we would have alot less worrying, self doubting adults. In my opinion:)


  1. I wish I could provide some comforting words, but I am just as guilty for being a complete worrywart.

    Sophie is Sophie. It is hard not to compare though. I love how chill she is compared to Julia. I'm sure she's not always, but if she's in a new situation, she takes it all in first. You gotta appreciate that type of observational powers. I wish more adults did that!

  2. Sometimes shy kids are the ones who have the most insight. She will grow up to be a good judge of character, not jumping in too early in situations that are 'iffy'. As for being with her too much....every child should have such a burden :)



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.