Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is why I don't like Labels!

The people who know me well would say that I am conservative. Mainly, because they are very liberal, and we don't even get in to politcal conversations. Number one, I am anti abortion. Number two, I voted for Bush in the 2004 election. I did not have any faith in Kerry, we were in a war that Bush started, and after 911, I was very leary of national security. These two things are appalling to my liberal friends and relatives. Anyone that is truly conservative would definetly call me liberal. While I consider myself pro life, I do not fit into the Church's vision of pro life. I do not believe in abortion. The phrase "A womans right to choose" literally makes my skin crawl. I just don't understand it. However, I do not believe illegalizing abortion will stop it. It would only make things worse. I do believe it should be very tightly regulated. My views on this subject deserve their own blog.

So, I took one of those nonsensical Facebook quizess, and was labeled "Very liberal". Shock and awe to those that know me well. Of course, those quizes are hardly accurate. Though, this one had alot more questions, and seemed much more indepth. After I got the result, I realized I was signed in under my husbands name, so I took it again under my name. Same result. So here I am questioning myself. I do have some over the top ideas that I suppose are super liberal, like legalizing prostitution, and certain drugs. I just do not understand why someone who is lonely and wants to pay for sex can't, but someone that sleeps around, gets pregnant and doesn't want the responsibility can legally kill an unborn child. It makes no sense to me. Two people that love each other and want to spend their lives together and raise children, can't in most states. In some states they can't adopt. But, someone who doesn't want to go through a pregnancy and put the child up for adoption or care for the child themselves, can terminate the pregnancy. Where are our values??? I value love, family, peace, and kindness. I do not find it moral to condemm people for who they love.

I am square. I don't understand why people get drunk. I don't break the law, I don't steal, I don't lie(unless I am playing a game). I did live with my hubby prior to marriage, though we were engaged. That was the right thing for me, and us. Boy, did I learn some things in that year and a half that would have thrown me if we had already been married. I am very conservative with money, and my hubby wasn't, until I got ahold of him:) Do I have a liberal heart and a conservative mind, or vice versa? I don't know. I just know what I think and believe. Conservative, liberal, independant(my choice), it doesn't matter. I am who I am. Goes to show, you really have to get to know me to know all my layers. The same for everyone, I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. Eh, it's a Facebook quiz. Don't read too much into it. But I scored very liberal as well. Not as big of a surprise though.



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.