Thursday, May 14, 2009

Second hand wine?

So, we hear about second hand smoke all the time. What about second hand alcohol? I am not totally against the idea of a drink now and again. However, I do not understand the whole drunk thing, and I do not find it fun to be around a bunch of drunk people. To this end, Chet and I had a non alcoholic wedding. This did not go over too well with my family, but it was our wedding and we wanted to enjoy it. Which is possible without alcohol, for us anyway, but I guess not for everyone. We had an early wedding, at 11:30am, with a lunch reception on a lake. It was beautiful and relaxing and left us with the evening to ourselves. It was very much us. Of course, it is alot of fun to go to weddings and dance, and drink champaigne(I pass). A wedding is a time for great celebration, however is the most fun for the bride and groom. Though, like in any situation where there is drinking, I would assume there are designated drivers for anyone drinking. I have recently found myself in a social situation where there is alot of drinking, and some of those drinkers drive home. For me, these events would be much more fun with a little drinking, but not the excessive drinking. I am really trying to be more social, and I am truly interested in meeting new people and getting to know them. However, I don't need to know all the tmi that spews out when they are drunk. I mean, shouldn't you know my name before you share all the intimate details of your life? The thing is, I'm sure they don't remember what they said or did the next morning. Joking about drunk driving? From grown women. Mothers!!! Maybe I will never find a group that I fit into. I mean, I am sarcastic, I cuss sometimes, I make fun of myself and others, I am far from perfect. But I don't like to get drunk. I can't have more than one drink, because even that effects me, and thus I only have one if Chet is with me and driving. Usually, just on Cinco de Mayo, and after this year, I think it will be a long while before I have another. In a few months, I have to host one of these events, and wine is expected. I haven't decided how to handle this. I don't want to be responsible for people drinking and driving. Nor do I want people to get drunk at my house. Maybe I can hand out tokens at the door, limiting each person to only one drink. Or, just have no alcohol and try to serve really good food so no one will notice. Or, I could make a yummy punch, tell them it has alcohol in it, when it really doesn't. Like, a reverse spike. Ooh, I like that idea. I swear, I have had a hangover all day. I didn't drink. I think all the fumes gave me a buzz, and a headache. Second hand wine.

1 comment:

  1. Ann...I so enjoy reading your blogs. In my younger years (!) I really enjoyed a few drinks until one New Years when I couldn't get to Church. All it took was one day of a hangover! Some of us have to learn the hard way...You should call number/go to website of MADD to read your blog...



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.