Friday, May 8, 2009

Public restroom etiquitte

This is one of those "common sense" things, which really isn't common at all. I can't begin to tell you the horrors of dealing with public restrooms in my long retail career. You wouldn't believe the disgusting messes left for us to clean up. Or all the women that walked right out of the stall without washing their hands, and then went and touched merchandise. What about talking on your cell phone while in the stall, taking care of business? Of course, the bathroom is also a great place to steal and leave your old undies. Who are these people that have no dignity and will leave their icky tings on the floor, or wall for us to take care of?

Today, before I left the mall, I stopped at a restroom inside a large department store. I had Sophie in the stroller, so I needed the large stall. There were at least twenty stalls, and most were empty. Except the large one, which wasn't marked handicapped, but everyone knows it is for wheelchairs or people who need assistance. Or strollers. Obviously I can't leave Sophie outside while I go in the stall. Even if I want to leave the stroller, full of stuff, trying to use a regular stall with Sophie in there is very difficult. So I waited. And waited. And waited. Ten minutes. Finally, the woman emerged. Not handicapped. I know this because in my fidgeting, I could see she was not on the bar side, but the other side, adjusting her clothes. At one point, I thought maybe she was concealing merchandise. Maybe she was. So, I push the stroller in, to find not only did she not flush, but she had at least ten seat covers on the seat, atill there! I couldn't flush them all, so I had to pick them up and put them in the sanitary disposal. Gross. Now, when all the stalls are being used, I would expect anyone to use the larger stall, but this wasn't the case. Also, why does someone need to be in there ten minutes? She wasn't even using the toilet most of the time. I could see her moving around. This is not the first time this has happened to me. We have at least another year or more of stroller use, so I guess I have more of this to look forward to.

So, please try and use public restroom common sense. Don't use the phone. Wash your hands. Don't smear your bodily secretions on the wall. Or write on the walls. Or draw. Or let your kids peak under the stalls. I will try and make sure mine doesn't. Unless you piss me off on my way to the stall...

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.