Monday, June 29, 2009

Jon and Kate

Okay, so I haven't seen a whole lot of this show. Just the other day I saw a rerun of the first show, which first aired in 2006. So that would explain why I didn't watch. In 2006 I was at the end of my fertility rope. I definetly would not be watching a show about a woman that had multiples twice with IUI. I couldn't even get pregnant after transferring four embryos with IVF. I know that Chet watched it, and I would always walk out of the room. Then, I was also closing almost every Monday night until I left last August. So, I would catch reruns here and there, mostly the later shows. I tried to watch the marriage renewal episodes last year, but something just didn't seem right. Like, it was to forced. The whole line about doing it to show the kids that they would always be a family. Umm yeah, most married people don't renew their vows after nine years to show their young kids they will always be married. It's kind of a given.

So, the consensus seems to be that Kate is a controlling bitch. A label I have been given on occasion myself. There were a couple of times, like the "coupon" incident, where I thought she was way over the top. I remember looking at Chet and saying she was way worse than me, and he agreed. Now, I would have given him a little shit about forgetting the coupon, but he does that kind of thing all of the time, so it's not a big deal. I kind of see Jon and Kate as exaggerated versions of us. I cringed watching their interviews, because they didn't show each other any respect. It wasn't like that in the first show I saw. Since I didn't see most of the shows up untnil recently, I don't really know the progression, but there is a huge contrast between that first one, and last years. Yes, Kate is controlling and very ocd, but with eight kids, some organization is in order. Jon is obviously a good dad, but his constant eye rolling got very annoying. He acts like a whiny kid. Who really knows about all of the allegations of adultry and such, because who really knows how long they have been seperated. I just find it very sad when couples divorce, ezpecially when kids are involved. Of course, it is better to get divorced than to stay together just for the kids. Fighting and disrespecting each other in front of the kids is very damaging. My parents have been married for forty three years, but when we were teenagers, things were really bad. It got to the point were I thought just break up for God's sake. I won't go into detail, but they are happy now. Chet and I are very different in personality and tempermant. I am high strung, and he is laid back, very laid back. No way could I have meshed with someone like me, and vice versa. Yes, things get difficult sometimes, but that is just marriage. I thank God everyday for him.

I really hope that things workout the best for the children in this situation. I do think they should stop the show, at least for awhile. Though, it could be a good example of how divorced parents make it work with eight kids. It is just too bad that it is all so public, and the kids will someday read all the terrible things being said about theier parents.

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.