Friday, June 12, 2009

I forgot.

I totally forgot about blogging. Today one of my aunts mentioned that I hadn't blogged in awhile, and it took a minute to even register. Oh yeah, I have a blog. I forgot. I think it is because I have had so much on my mind. Not to mention all the stuff I have been doing, and need to do. The whole job thing has been weighing very heavy on my mind. Then I get depressed, and cry. Sometimes I think, I will just get a part time job. That would be ideal. I do need a job to get out, have some adult contact, and keep current on things. A part time job would be the perfect balance. But, financially, that is not going to cut it. We would still have to go into savings every month, and we can't keep doing that. I knew when I left work that this was just temporary and I would need to find a full time job. I of course wished that in the meantime things would change, and I wouldn't have to. But that is not happening. I have to go back to work. It is very weird to be entrenched in this stay at home mom world, feeling like an imposter. I can't help but feel bad when everyone around me can just stay at home and doesn't have to worry about financially taking care of their family. I don't mind, really. But, I do want to have as much time with Sophie as possible. So, this has been on my mind 24/7. Leading me to forget that I even have a blog.


  1. I'm very sure most SAHMs do have to worry about finances. Well, I mean, unless they are really rich. I personally don't know anyone really rich though. :O)

  2. Yes, I think everyone worries about money. I know I did, even when I was working. The thing is, I have to work. Not working is not an option. I do like working. I just would like to stay home a little while longer:)

  3. Glad to see your blog up Ann...I agree, working is good, part time is best!....good luck! Marilyn

  4. I know finances is a constant worry for us. Recently I had to do that debate (back to work or continue at home). Part-time would be great, but it isn't an option for us either. For now, we've just reviewed our budget and cut it way down. Working wouldn't bring in enough after child care to make it worthwhile to have our kids in daycare full time at this point. We just have to keep re-evaluating that as time goes by. Soon we'll need to buy a bigger house as ours is quite small for a family of five (the dog and cat don't make it feel any bigger). We'd like to have two incomes to purchase a new house. We'll just have to wait, pray, and see.

    Just know, you're not alone and moms who work full time are still wonderful moms. I know moms who stay at home, but spend less actual time being "with" their kids than moms who work full time. It's all about how you spend the time you have with your children.

    Good luck!

    (BTW, I'm a friend of Miss J's Mom and I've been reading your comments on her blog for a while now, so I decided to check out yours. I hope you don't mind me commenting.) (=

  5. Scrapping, followers and commentators are always welcome! I have been very lax in my blogging. Mainly becuse I only have time late at night, and I have been looking at jobs online instead. I will try to be better.



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.