Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our President

So, when it came time to vote for our new President last November, it really came down to the lesser of two evils for me. I mean, I really did like Obama, and thought he would be a breath of fresh air for the country. There are things I don't agree with, like the Freedom of Choice Act, but over all, I was happy that he won. I found his first national address very negative. The next went a little too over the other way. Then, he went on the Tonight Show. Even before his appearance, I thought it was not a very Presidential thing to do. Since then, it just seems more and more like he is becoming a celebrated figure in the media. I mean, was it really news that he and Michelle went out on a date? I would just assume that any married President would find some time to spend out with his wife. But why is it news? That whole Kennedy Camelot period was shortly before my time, but it seems like that is being recreated. If ever we needed a serious leader of the free world, this is it. I really think all the pomp and circumstance can wait until after Obama is done with his presidency. And, if this keeps up, he won't get my vote next time. I realize the media is partly to blame, but the President should not be worrying about his image so much. He IS president. He needs to worry about the job at hand. I really wanted Hilary Clinton for President. I can guarentee she would not be making talk show appearances. After all, she would be getting advice from arguably one of the best Presidents of my time. Yeah, yeah, so he was being serviced in the Oval Office by an intern. I can GUARENTEE that did not take as much time as the Tonight Show appearance.


  1. The media was the one that made his "date" a national headline.

    I think he is much more "human" than many of the Presidents of recent. He is the media darling, and the media totally feeds it.

    He's not like GWB in that he messes up (particularly speeches) in public. So you get these "news" items that he went to a basketball game, or he went on a date.

    Kinda reminds me of Clinton when they followed him to McDonalds or something. They really never did that with the Bushes.

  2. Hey Ann....About three weeks into this administration I thought - hmmm, he sure is on TV and awful lot...and if he wanted to he could certainly put a stop to all the cameras - but hey, he does NOT WANT to!!!...I agree with Bill Maher....I hope this comment goes through!

  3. I HOPE he is keeping a close eye on North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, etc...

  4. Ann, I hope he is keeping a close eye on North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, etc.... Judy

  5. I totally agree Ann!! And I can not stand when I see him with the dog!



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.