Monday, June 29, 2009

Jon and Kate

Okay, so I haven't seen a whole lot of this show. Just the other day I saw a rerun of the first show, which first aired in 2006. So that would explain why I didn't watch. In 2006 I was at the end of my fertility rope. I definetly would not be watching a show about a woman that had multiples twice with IUI. I couldn't even get pregnant after transferring four embryos with IVF. I know that Chet watched it, and I would always walk out of the room. Then, I was also closing almost every Monday night until I left last August. So, I would catch reruns here and there, mostly the later shows. I tried to watch the marriage renewal episodes last year, but something just didn't seem right. Like, it was to forced. The whole line about doing it to show the kids that they would always be a family. Umm yeah, most married people don't renew their vows after nine years to show their young kids they will always be married. It's kind of a given.

So, the consensus seems to be that Kate is a controlling bitch. A label I have been given on occasion myself. There were a couple of times, like the "coupon" incident, where I thought she was way over the top. I remember looking at Chet and saying she was way worse than me, and he agreed. Now, I would have given him a little shit about forgetting the coupon, but he does that kind of thing all of the time, so it's not a big deal. I kind of see Jon and Kate as exaggerated versions of us. I cringed watching their interviews, because they didn't show each other any respect. It wasn't like that in the first show I saw. Since I didn't see most of the shows up untnil recently, I don't really know the progression, but there is a huge contrast between that first one, and last years. Yes, Kate is controlling and very ocd, but with eight kids, some organization is in order. Jon is obviously a good dad, but his constant eye rolling got very annoying. He acts like a whiny kid. Who really knows about all of the allegations of adultry and such, because who really knows how long they have been seperated. I just find it very sad when couples divorce, ezpecially when kids are involved. Of course, it is better to get divorced than to stay together just for the kids. Fighting and disrespecting each other in front of the kids is very damaging. My parents have been married for forty three years, but when we were teenagers, things were really bad. It got to the point were I thought just break up for God's sake. I won't go into detail, but they are happy now. Chet and I are very different in personality and tempermant. I am high strung, and he is laid back, very laid back. No way could I have meshed with someone like me, and vice versa. Yes, things get difficult sometimes, but that is just marriage. I thank God everyday for him.

I really hope that things workout the best for the children in this situation. I do think they should stop the show, at least for awhile. Though, it could be a good example of how divorced parents make it work with eight kids. It is just too bad that it is all so public, and the kids will someday read all the terrible things being said about theier parents.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What a Day.

So, today started out with an announcement on AOL that Farrah Fawcett had died. I was shocked. Yes, I knew she was sick and probably terminal, but it was suprising still. Plus, she was only 62. This afternoon I went to a Mariners baseball game with my sister who is visiting from out of state, and our parents. They bought the tickets months ago, and though I had planned to take Sophie, I decided not to, since Chet was home. I was very glad I didn't bring her. There is no way she would have sat still, and I would have been chasing her all over the stadium. I love going to games, and this was this first time in about three or four years. I did wish Chet was there, but we had a great time. So, my sister shows me a text that our other sister sent her, saying Michael Jackson died. I couldn't believe it. I really thought I misunderstood. So, I text Chet to turn on the news, but he didn't hear the message come through. When we got to the car, my mom turned on the radio, and yes, it was true. I am just shocked, and sad. I really love Michael Jacksons music. Yes, his behavior got stranger and stranger. But, how could most of us possibly relate to him? He was thrust into an adult business at an early age. He didn't get to have a real childhood. He was pulled in many directions, I am sure. As for the allegations against him, I really don't know. I do think it was easy to think yeah, he is weird, he must be guilty. But, I know from personal experience that child molesters often look like nice, normal adults. They want to blend in, not stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe he really just wanted to act like a child, since he never really got to be a child. I do hope he finds some peace now. The thought that always sticks in my head is "Only the Good Die Young". While I don't know that is true, I do know lots of good people who have died young. I am pretty sure I will die an onry old woman:) Ironically, my sisters and I have been working on a memorial brick for our sister Cathy, who died in a car accident in 1986, at the age of 18. The highschool we graduated from built a new school which opened this year, and they sent out an email months ago detailing the bricks and how we could order them. We decided to make it a suprise for our parents for Mothers Day and Fathers Day. The plan was that when the brick went in they would send us an email with a picture, which we could print out to present to our parents. The brick went in today. Strange timing, I think.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our President

So, when it came time to vote for our new President last November, it really came down to the lesser of two evils for me. I mean, I really did like Obama, and thought he would be a breath of fresh air for the country. There are things I don't agree with, like the Freedom of Choice Act, but over all, I was happy that he won. I found his first national address very negative. The next went a little too over the other way. Then, he went on the Tonight Show. Even before his appearance, I thought it was not a very Presidential thing to do. Since then, it just seems more and more like he is becoming a celebrated figure in the media. I mean, was it really news that he and Michelle went out on a date? I would just assume that any married President would find some time to spend out with his wife. But why is it news? That whole Kennedy Camelot period was shortly before my time, but it seems like that is being recreated. If ever we needed a serious leader of the free world, this is it. I really think all the pomp and circumstance can wait until after Obama is done with his presidency. And, if this keeps up, he won't get my vote next time. I realize the media is partly to blame, but the President should not be worrying about his image so much. He IS president. He needs to worry about the job at hand. I really wanted Hilary Clinton for President. I can guarentee she would not be making talk show appearances. After all, she would be getting advice from arguably one of the best Presidents of my time. Yeah, yeah, so he was being serviced in the Oval Office by an intern. I can GUARENTEE that did not take as much time as the Tonight Show appearance.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I forgot.

I totally forgot about blogging. Today one of my aunts mentioned that I hadn't blogged in awhile, and it took a minute to even register. Oh yeah, I have a blog. I forgot. I think it is because I have had so much on my mind. Not to mention all the stuff I have been doing, and need to do. The whole job thing has been weighing very heavy on my mind. Then I get depressed, and cry. Sometimes I think, I will just get a part time job. That would be ideal. I do need a job to get out, have some adult contact, and keep current on things. A part time job would be the perfect balance. But, financially, that is not going to cut it. We would still have to go into savings every month, and we can't keep doing that. I knew when I left work that this was just temporary and I would need to find a full time job. I of course wished that in the meantime things would change, and I wouldn't have to. But that is not happening. I have to go back to work. It is very weird to be entrenched in this stay at home mom world, feeling like an imposter. I can't help but feel bad when everyone around me can just stay at home and doesn't have to worry about financially taking care of their family. I don't mind, really. But, I do want to have as much time with Sophie as possible. So, this has been on my mind 24/7. Leading me to forget that I even have a blog.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I just dont get it...

There are so many things that I just do not get. Not that most of these things are wrong. Just that I don't get them. Which is why I so rarely fit in. I have compiled a short list. I reserve the right to add to this list anytime.

People that don't get sarcasm.

"Pro lifers" that murder abortion doctors.


Excessive drinking.

Reckless drivers.

Bad work ethics.

Families that can't get along to the point they don't talk.


Judging someone by they way they look.

Talk radio. Yuk.

Body piercings.

Pet snakes.

Hard partying.





Gum chewing.

People with no sense of humor.



Weapons of mass destruction. Why??

Crocs. Sorry, I don't get it.

Clerks that do not take the next person in line. I wish I could fire them all.



The obsessive need to control how others feed their infants.

People who don't like dogs.

Cruises. Maybe it's my claustrophobia, but the thought of being stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean doesn't do it for me.


Fake tanning. Not for me.

The big deal with cussing.


The family bed.

Holding grudges.

Gold teeth.

Excessive tatoos. Okay, I'm not sure I get tatoos at all. Though I think it would be kind of cool for Chet to get my initials and Sophie's initials on his shoulders.

Baggy pants that hang down and show the boxers underneath(if you are lucky).


Divorce. Yes, in some cases it is necessary. But why is it so rampant?

Rude people.

Ice cream that doesn't have any chocolate in it.

People that don't like S'mores. This includes my hubby.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Blog

I'd been thinking lately that I needed to write a more up beat blog at some point. Then when I logged in tonight, I notice there was an ad for a clinical study on depression. So, I guess my blogs have been downers lately. The funny thing is, I have been having a great time lately. I love spring and summer. I don't love the heat, but I love the warm, sunny days. I love barbecues, picnics, trips to the beach,and just sitting out on the patio enjoying our beautiful view of trees. The last summer that I wasn't working was in 1985, and I babysat all summer long. Actually, I babysat from the summer of 1981 on, until I got my job in the summer of 1985. so, while I am looking( a little) for a job, the thought of having the summer to spend with Sophie is very tempting. My last day of work last year was August 29th, so summer was pretty much over. Summer always reminds me of my childhood. We always did lots of fun things in the summer. Plus, no school! Summer also reminds me of the summer of 2007, when we were expecting Sophie. I did get part of that summer off. I started my leave the last week of July, and Sophie was born August 10th. Today Sophie went in her little pool for the first time this year. I pput her in it, standing, and she wanted nothing to do with it. Later, our neighbors came over to join us, and Sophie's little friend who is a year older went right in, and then so did Sophie. It was so much fun to watch all three enjoying the pool, and playing in the backyard. Summer also means Chet barbecueing alot. This year he is working late some nights, but when he is here he usually barbecues. I love the smell of the barbecue. I love all the sounds of summer. I can't wait to enjoy the rest of it. Even if I do have to work at some point.


About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.