Friday, July 31, 2009

Total Ridiculosity

Sorry I am such a blogging slacker. In my defense, I have been gone for four days. I did have internet access, but my dad was hovering over me like a helicopter most of the time. And, my parents don't read my blog. We had record heat this week with temps over 100. The majority of Seattleites do not have central air. "Luckily" my parents do. I held out until Sophie got a heat rash and her hair was wet with sweat at 10am in the morning. So I packed up Sophie, the two crazy pugs and myself and headed over. Chet stayed home since his work is 30 minutes the other direction and my parents live a good 45 minutes away from our house. He did spend one night, which was a nice reprieve. The house was nice and cool, though my dad hovered around the thermostat and turned it up when my mom wasn't looking. She would yell, he would say she doesn't understand the cost, blah, blah, blah. I threatened to tape the Pam and Bill show and put it on You Tube. That worked for about a minute. In the meantime, Simon my almost 12 year old pug had to be carried up and down the couple of steps from the deck to the yard, where Toby my 8 year old pug and Charlie, my parents obnoxious dog where playing all sorts of reindeer games. Never mind they are both male and both fixed. So Toby gets worked up and then attacks poor feeble Simon for no reason. Sophie wants to go outside all the time, and even when I say no, my dad opens the door and lets her out with no shoes on to step on the deck that sits in the 100 degree sun. Of course every little thing I do with Sophie is wrong. My mom keeps telling Sophie she needs to go potty on the potty. She's not even two. But all of mom's kids were potty trained by two. A. We had to be. By the time I was two I had a 14 month old sister and another well on the way. B. How well potty trained were we? I peed my pants on the floor in the first grade and once sleep walked into the kitchen, sat under the kitchen sink and peed. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, but in small doses. I like my space. I want to eat what I want to eat, watch what I want to watch, feed my child what I want to feed her, and not plop her on the bed in front of the tv. And not be put down all the time. I did marvel, into day three, how my sisters and I ended up with any self esteem at all. So I am home, in my still hot house. I pray the weather cools down to a nice 75 degrees soon. Sophie's second birthday is in a week and a half. I have a lot of prepping to do!

1 comment:

  1. Ann...I praise you for lasting three days....When Alison and kids are here for two days, they are all demanding to go home ASAP..and for the very same reasons you cited minus the doggies....Marilyn



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.