Monday, July 6, 2009

To party, or not to party?

So, Sophie turns 2 in a little over a month. Unfreakingbelievable. For the last several weeks, I have been torturing myself with the choice between having a party or not. By party, I mean inviting friends and family over for cake, etc. If I didn't throw a big party, we would still have a get together with my parents. Also, Chet, Sophie and I would go do something fun. Now, I said before she turned one that I would not have a big party, but of course I did. It was alot of fun, even though we got rained out the second weekend in August, and I had alot of people in my little house. You would think the trade off for being nine months pregnant in August would be no rain on your childs birthday, ever! I keep going back and forth with this decision, as is my annoying nature. After this year, I can ask Sophie. I have asked this year, but she keeps saying party, even though I don't think she grasps it. Although, last week when my sister was opening her birthday gift, Sophie was really eyeing it, so maybe she understands more than I think. I know if we don't have a party, she will still have a wonderful celebration. We have always had great birthdays in my family, and we rarely had parties. I had one when I turned 8, 14, and I think that's it. Some years I would have one or two friends over. And we always got to go out to the restaurant of our choice, and my mom would bake and decorate a cake of our choice. I am trying to convince my mom to bake Sophie a cake this year. I was not impressed with the one I got at the bakery last year. I really wish I could make decisions more easily, and not get all worked up like this. I sure hope Sophie doesn't inherit these traits. Luckily she has a 50/50 chance, since Chet doesn't have this problem. He votes for no party. Everytime I settle on a decision, I change my mind again. I thought blogging about it would help, but it hasn't. Blaaaahhh!

1 comment:

  1. The time and aggravation vs. how much Sophie will like it. At this age, it's so difficult to decide. Can you have a compromise with just a cake and a few people? Really simple.



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.