Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Three things

Okay, I have three things weighing heavy on my mind. I NEED a job. I HAVE to lose weight, and I WANT another baby. Of course of these three things, guess which one I am working on the most? I should be pounding the pavement looking for a job, and walking some of this weight off. I have been off almost a year, and have not lost any weight. The job thing is a whole other ball of wax. As stressed out as I was working, I am way more stressed out about having no money. And, I just knew I would be, but I quit anyway. This is not a "budgeting" situation. Chet's salary covers about half our expenses, and that is on a TIGHT budget. I was in total la la land to think he would do anything to improve his situation. That is never going to happen. It is up to me. I have applied for quite a few things, and gotten no where. There is alot more that I can do. I need to work on a good resume, and perhaps look for jobs in my field. It will be very hard to not be with Sophie all the time, but at least I would know I was providing for her, and not have to worry. These three things seem interchangable. Like, losing weight would help me on the two other fronts, having a job would help me lose weight and give me piece of mind about having a baby, and getting pregnant would motivate me in the two other areas. And, I am sick to death of answering questions about all three. Okay, the weight one is mostly my mother..

1 comment:

  1. Ann....my one word to live by...SIMPLIFY!! And why worry or stress...live for today, enjoy the moment...be happy with what you have and who you are with...you are truly very blessed.



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.