Sunday, August 16, 2009

Michael Vick

So I just got done reading a thread on my usual message board about Michael Vick. There were actually women on there that felt he has paid his debt to society and deserves to go back to the NFL. After all, he took a big pay cut. WTF?! The person that started the thread thought it was outrageous that he was picked to play for Philly, as do I. To me it says we don't give a shit what kind of person you are, we know you are a talented player so we want you on our team. This is what our society has come to. As far as I am concerned, getting to play ball for a living, for a lot of money, is a privelage. Everyday people are getting fired for things they post on Facebook, and this evil idiot gets to play football?! I am not a big football fan, so I don't know a whole lot, but I was told that many teams wanted him. Anyone that is lucky enough to play a sport for a ton of money, or is at all in the spotlight, should be a role model. One of the arguments being used on the message board was that there are lots of players that do worse? Really!! That is the argument?! I am just totally disgusted. I really hope that the Eagles(?) get protesters and lose some money in ticket sales. But I doubt it.

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.