Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beautiful fall day!

It was a beautiful fall day today. Chet worked all day, so it was just me and Sophie. I started putting up my Halloween decorations a few days ago, even though my Mother said I must wait until October first. So far no Decor police have knocked on my door. WE went to the fair on Thursday, and we drove past a house that was all decorated. That was all the permission I needed! As usual, I am missing several decorations, that I know of, which means there are also a few I forgot about. I'm sure they are buried in my Christmas closet. If I don't find them now, I will find them the day after Thanksgiving, when I get my Christmas decor out. Sophie was so excited when we were putting out the things inside on Friday. Then Chet put up the pumpkin lights along the path when he got home. Today Sophie and I went out and hung the Ghost flag, a witch on the garage, and a witch in a tree in the backyard. This year I am going to attempt to make ghosts to hang in one or more tree out front. When we were done getting the witch in the tree, we hung out in the backyard. Thanks to Grandma, Sophie likes to dig up dirt, usually bark, and throw it. Our backyard is filling up quick since my Mom keeps bringing stuff over that she picks up at garage sales. Last week she brought Sophie a cute little plastic lawn chair. After a while, I told Sophie we were going on the deck. She went ans got the lawn chair and was carrying it across the yard to the deck. I asked if she wanted help, and she said I can do it. Plain as day. That is the longest sentence she has ever said. So funny. Chet worked later than he thought, and now he has to work tomorrow when he was supposed to be off. So, he picked up McDonalds for dinner. Nice and easy. All together, it was a great day:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ann, this is my second try at posting a comment--I love that you are decorating for Halloween and I am sure Sophie loves it too! I posted a comment on your last entry but it did not go through???? I can totally relate to Grandma bringing stuff to Sophie from Garage Sales! Monica and the kids are always getting little "treasures"!! Judy



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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.