Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yikes, an ear infection

I really thought Sophie was going to go through life with no ear infection. Pretty naive considering all the ear/throat/sinus infections I have had in my life. If I was born in the 90's and not the 60's I would have my tonsils out, tubes in my ears and a regular allergy prescription. Add in the fact that I grew up going to Group Health, which my parents pay out of pocket for now. A typical trip to the doctor went like this: What's wrong? What do you think you have? What medicine would you like? That was after an hour wait in the waiting room, and another half hour in the exam room. Nothing I say can convince my parents they would be better off medically and financially if they switched insurance. Sophie had a runny nose for awhile, but suddenly Friday afternoon she was putting her finger in her ear and saying owie. Then she started crying and wanted to be held. I called the doctor and they said they could get her in at 4:45. Well it was 4:30 and we are a good 15 minutes away, so I sent Chet since he had just walked in and could just jump back in the car while I threw shoes on Sophie. Plus he is a faster driver. So at least Sophie got an antibiotic, my old friend amoxicillen. When they come home I start firing off the questions. What medicine? I don't know. Did you tell them you are allergic to Penicillen? No, why would I do that? Well, because Sophie could have inherited the allergy. But you aren't allergic. Yeah, but she has your DNA too. Did she get the flu shot while she was there? No. Did you ask about it? No. Did you ask about Swine flu? No. Did they say anything other then she has a middle ear infection? No. When I called him about an hour after they left, the doctor had just come in. So I could have gone myself and been late since they waited an hour anyway. Usually we never wait there, but this was last minute. Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the amoxicillin will work quickly. We want Sophie back to her feisty self as quickly as possible.



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.