Monday, October 19, 2009

Ballooon Boy

I have probably mentioned that I am a huge reality T.V. junkie. So, on Thursday I dropped my parents off at the airport for their trip to Denver to see my sisters. On the way home, I heard about this runaway balloon on the radio. They said it was 40 miles north of the Denver airport, and they were clearing airspace. So I called my mom to let her know. Their flight hadn't taken off yet. When I got home, I turned on the T.V., and Chet and I were both praying for that little boy. CNN mentioned that the dad was a storm chaser, and I said OMG, I wonder if it is that guy from Wife Swap. Then my sister called and said the local news had released the name and I asked what it was. When she said Falcon Heene, I was like shit, that is the family from Wife Swap! We were so happy when they found the kid. I watched the interview on Larry King Live. I was pretty surprised they were composed enough to do and interview. If I had spent five hours thinking my child might be dead, there is no way I would be calm enough to do a interview hours later, let alone in front of cameras. Even when the kid said "you guys said we did this for a show", I just figured he was confused. By Friday, everyone thought it was a hoax, and I thought wow, everyone is so cynical. I just could not imagine parents doing such a thing. Even though I had seen these guys on Wife Swap and the dad was a real jerk. At that point, I was just happy that we hadn't seen or heard from Jon and Kate in a couple days! So now, it has come out that it was a hoax. Of course people are saying take their kids, throw them in jail. Certainly, there should be major consequences. And I am not convinced that the guy isn't abusive to the wife, if not physically, verbally. There needs to be an investigation by Child Protective Services. As for the hoax, fine them, give them community service, and probation. But jail? Really? I think we need the room for all of the child molesters, abusers, and murderers. Yes, it is totally unimaginable what they did, and all that time spent looking for the boy could have been spent fighting crime. I just don't know if jail is the answer. And of course, this wouldn't be such a huge story if it wasn't for the stupid media. I will give Richard Heene that. He has them figured out to a tee.

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.