Sunday, September 20, 2009


First, I'm sorry that I have been very remiss in my blogging duties. Chasing after a two year old all day has proven to be rather time consuming and tiring. By the time that I can blog, my brain is mush.

So I am watching the Emmy's and on comes a commercial for David Letterman. And guess who his guest is going to be?! That's right. Our President. After all, he did Jay Leno, so I guess Letterman should get equal airtime, right? I can literally feel my blood boiling. Now, imagine that our country is as problem free as possible. A thriving economy, crime down, no war, just sailing along. In that case, I could see our President going on late night talk shows. And taping messages to our Nation's students. But, as we are all aware, because the media shoves it down our throats, our country is in the proverbial toilet. In my opinion, we need a strong, balls to the wall President leading us right now. Not a professional talk show guest.

This President got my vote. And right now, I feel like I paid for a Corvette and got a Schwinn.

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.