Monday, March 1, 2010


Wow, I suck at blogging! I missed all of February. Though, I have been pretty busy. I have been exercising every night, doing either 20 or 30 minutes of Walk Away the Pounds. I am getting frustrated though, because I have not been losing the last couple of weeks. Two weeks ago I hit 40 total lost, but then I maintained last week. This week I don't expect to lose either. Weigh in is tomorrow, but I was up two on Sunday, and back to last week's weight this morning. I have been sick for over two weeks now. I'm not sure if it is a cold or allergies, though I think it is a little of both. My face is really puffy, so that may be where some of the weight is. Hopefully I will start losing again soon!

Today I signed Sophie up for preschool, starting in the fall. It is so exciting yet sad at the same time. Time has gone by so fast! I know she will enjoy it, because she is very busy, and she needs the interaction. She already recognizes a lot of her letters and numbers. Also, she is very verbal, but in social situations she tends not to talk a lot, especially to other adults. So I think this will help. And, she will be one of the youngest, if no the youngest in the class. I think that will be to her advantage, because she picks up things from other kids and if she was the oldest, she might be bored. I can't wait to get her a back pack for school! Not to mention a wardrobe :-) I guess I better hurry up and get a job!

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About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.