Thursday, January 28, 2010


Sorry, I have been very unbloggyish lately. Not that I have nothing to blog about. There is just to much running around in my head and by the time I can sit down and blog it is all jumbled up in there :-). I had a little stall in my weight loss, so I have been trying to work out every night. I did do 6 out of 7 nights last week. I have been doing the one mile walk away the pounds, and trying to use my three pound weights while I do it. At weigh in on Tuesday I had lost 5 pounds for the week, which was more then I lost in the previous month. I hope I don't gain this week. I am at 35 total lost right now, and my goal was the hit 50 by my bday in March. I may come close.

Last Sunday was my sister Cathy's birthday. She would have been 42. Since we were only 10 months apart we were always the same age for almost two months. Oddly, Chet's birthday is 6 days later, on January 30th, so he and I are the same age for almost two months. We went and hung out at my parents house on what would have been Cathy's birthday. I posted in my FB status that it was her birthday and received some very nice responses. One was from her boyfriend at the time she died. He was driving, and though the accident was ruled no fault, my father has never gotten over the fact her boyfriend was driving. My dad can hold a grudge forever, and he is very bitter. So, he was very surprised to learn that I had been in touch with this person via Facebook. My mom on the other hand was very glad to read his message. Cathy was 18 when she died, and her boyfriend had just turned 17. He had minor injuries in the accident. At first he came around a lot. A few months after she died he started dating a girl that was within their circle of friends. She is a cousin of one of Cathy's good friends. After that he stopped coming around. I am not sure exactly what happened. I don't know if he could detect my dad's bitterness, or he was just uncomfortable. He was so young. I can't imagine going through that even at my age. Now he and that girlfriend have been happily married for many years and have three kids. Their first child has Catherine as her middle name, just like Sophie. I wish we would all have stayed in touch over the years. I know myself, my sisters and my mom would like to have but my dad is another story. He just doesn't like to deal with things sometimes. I do know they have gone back and read the messages again, so I am sure my dad was touched by it too. He would never admit it though.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get your blog to come up in my feed still. Argh!

    I would feel so guilty if I had ever been involved in someone else's death. I don't think the grief and guilt would ever leave me. That's very courageous that he chose to come back into your life. You have to give him kudos for that. And how good of you to accept him. Since I've never been in that situation, I don't know how I would react, but I would hope that if it wasn't intentional that my heart would be big enough to forgive and feel good that he moved on to find happiness.



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.