Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today I FINALLY hit 30 pounds lost. I thought I would do it two weeks ago, but I only lost one pound. Then last week I thought it was a sure thing, but no, I lost ZERO. So today I weighed in and I lost two pounds, to hit 30 exactly, woo hoo! My next goal is to hit 50 by my birthday. Well, the day after, since my birthday is on a Monday. That means 20 pounds in 11 weeks. Maybe I can do it in ten? I know I need to up my exercise and my veggie/fruit intake and I can do it. Once I hit 50, I will want to lose another 25 in three months, so by the first day of summer. That would put me at the weight I was as a senior in highschool, and I grew an inch or more after highschool. I want to wear sleeveless shirts this summer! If I averaged two pounds a week, I will do it! Plus, I think we are having a 25 year highschool reunion this summer. I didn't go to the two previous ones, but now that I am in touch via Facebook with some classmates, maybe I will. Why couldn't it be next year?! By then I will look good :-) Unless I am pregnant. Yes, I am turning 43 in two months and still hoping for another baby. Have I mentioned how happy I am that I decided to join Weight Watchers?!


  1. Good for you! I still can't believe how quickly you've lost it. I need to channel your discipline.

  2. You go girl! That is great Ann--so happy for you :) Judy



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.