Sunday, July 11, 2010

Must. Clear. Head.

As those who know me well know, my brain is a whirling albatross that runs 24/7 at a very high speed. And where ever it stops, I must disembark the thoughts. Which drives my hubby crazy. So, right now I am overwhelmed with all the projects/commitments/thoughts running through my head.

Today, for the first time in days, Sophie took a nap. So I was able to work on some things. When she doesn't take a nap, I only have the evening to work on things, and my brain is usually mush, so I watch tv and read my various message boards, blogs, and Facebook. I do some job applying, if I am not too tired. When she does take a nap, I usually do some housework. But today I finally sat down and wrote out what I needed to get done, and in what order. I am in charge of something for my moms group this year, and I was able to get some work done on that. The thing is, I have to rely on someone else on this project, and she is very slow in responding to my emails. But I got my part done for now, and will await her reply. The next thing I have to do is decide what I am doing about Sophie's birthday. But I have to wait and see if Chet is going to get the time off before I can plan a party. I am terrible about making decisions about this sort of things. And Chet is no help. My practical side says I have no business spending money on a party when I don't have a job. My mommy side says that I should do it while I don't have to worry about having to work. Yikes.

Money. That is the other thing blaring in my brain. To keep the amount I want to have in savings, I need to start working by mid August. But there is so much going on this summer, that I would like to wait until September. Which would be okay, because I could just start building up savings again. If I got a full time, retail management job. But that does not work well with family life. I applied last week for two great jobs, neither would be nearly the money I made before, but they would give me a great work/life balance. And we may have to cut some things out, and possibly refinance the house. But I haven't heard anything yet. I am crossing my fingers.

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.