Sunday, November 8, 2009

Simon's home

In a box. It is a very nice box, with his name embossed on the outside. Chet went to pick up his ashes on Friday. There was no way I could go. I can't even stand to drive by the vet, which is on the main road through town. Right now the box is on the top of the shelf in our living room. Normally that room isn't used very much, and everything is in it's place. But I started going through the hundreds of pictures and cards in the drawer last week, and they are all over the place. Chet wanted to put the box on the mantle, but it is not very wide, so I was afraid it would fall down. So it is in it's bag, on the top of the shelf, between two vases. We are planning on spreading his ashes at his favorite doggy park in the spring. We used to go there all the time when we lived nearby. We still took the dogs there up until my parents moved out of the area three years ago. Simon loved to swim there, and we used to go to pug parties there. Simon didn't really play well with others though. He had major Daddyitis his whole life, he loved mommy, grandma, grandpa, and his aunties. He loved Toby, but not until after he took a permanent bite out of his ear the first day they met. He loved Sophie too, even though he wanted nothing to do with mommy for two days after we brought Sophie home. But he would lay outside of her bedroom door during her naps, and he liked to come with me in the mornings to get her up. And Sophie loved him. I think she gets that he is not coming back, but I am not positive. We have been blowing kisses to him up in heaven. I'm surprised we don't hear him barking down here. Sometimes, I would swear I do:-)

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.