Thursday, November 5, 2009

I think I could write whatever I want...

Since I don't seem to have any readers. Hello, is anyone out there? I know I am the worst blogger EVER. A. I don't have a lot of time. There are a lot of other things I can do online intermittently, like Facebook, even email. But the only time I have to blog is after 8pm, and I am usually exhausted. B. I have so many things running around in my head, it is hard to focus on just one. C. No one is reading anyway. I know that doesn't really matter, but I do find that motivating.

Fat. I started Weight Watchers on 10/20. It had gotten to the point that it was between that and surgery, and I really don't want surgery. Plus, Chet is very against it. I know I can lose on my own, but I need something structured like this. I am doing it online, which I love. It involves counting and budgeting, two of my strengths. It does not require me to be weighed in public and listen to others tell me what I should do. Two of my least favorite things. I know meetings help a lot of people, but I know my quirky self, and this is the way to go. I will probably attend one meeting to check it out. Week one, I lost 7 pounds, and week two, I lost 6. Woo hoo! Better than I imagined. I know the big number from week two had to do with losing Simon. I am really hoping for at least a three pound loss this week, but I am not real hopeful. I have been working out more, and I have these big calf muscles that lay dormant, and with a little bit of work they pop out. That's what years of soccer and then working on my feet have given me. Those are the only muscles I have, trust me.

Simon. We are missing him so much, of course. I have stayed home this week, to decompress and because I haven't felt too well. It has been nice, and allowed me to work on some projects. One is my "photo/card" drawer. Right now I have piles of pictures and cards sitting on my coffee table. There is a pug pile of course, which sadly is way higher than the Sophie pile, or any other for that matter. Mainly because for most of our pug parent years we had a non digital camera, and actually had pictures printed. Most of the Sophie pics are on the computer. SO Sophie and I have been looking at lots of Simon picss, many with Toby too. Sophie and Toby still think he is coming back. It's so sad. We love you pookie bear!!

Job. Haven't even looked for a couple weeks. I can only handle so many changes at once, and going back to work will be a huge one. Dealing with WW and the loss of Simon are enough right now. Plus, I have so many great holiday celebrating ideas floating in my head:). Of course, I will start freaking while spending money on Christmas. I cannot turn off my inner worrywart.

Sex. Ha ha, just checking to see if anyone is reading. Scared you, didn't I?


  1. OMG Ann....this is about the 25th time I have tried to comment....yes, you have readers and at least one very faithful reader....I admire you so much for your stick-to-itiveness (?)...kudos on your great success with WW....that was the only way I ever lost anything....and I am so sorry about your Simon; dealing with loss is the hardest thing we ever go through....Keep up the good work!.....Love Marilyn...If this doesn't go through your blog I'll also send it e-mail....

  2. Ann, guess what? I read your blog tonight!! I check in with my favorites and you are one of them of course. I know blogging is consuming, reading the blogs and I suppose writing would be even more time consuming. Wow, kudos on your weight watcher online program results--that is wonderful! We missed you at coffee...see you next week maybe! Judy



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.