Thursday, June 17, 2010

Headache from hell

So, I have now had a headache for ten days straight. I went to the doctor last Friday, got meds, already finished the antibiotic, and still, I have the sinus headache from hell! I have tried just about every cold and allergy medicine/remedy out there. Usually three Excedrin will knock the headache right out, but no such luck this time.

In the midst of the ten day headache, I am still expected to function, imagine that. Yesterday Sophie and I stayed home and cleaned out my insane linen closet. Not the smartest thing to do when you already have sinus drainage filling your head, ears and throat. Needless to say, I was having major asthma issues yesterday. Five bags of old bedding and kitchen linens later, the closet looks so pretty! The garbage bags are still in my entry, even though I went right by the Good Will truck today.

Today I took Sophie to the park for a picnic lunch with my moms group. Despite my headache and the January weather conditions in mid June, we had a great time. Just remind me never to take a cranky, tired, full of frosted animal cookies toddler to the store when I already have a pounding headache. I had been wanting to go all week to Fred Meyer, and today was the last day of the 25% off coupon I had. I wanted to pick up a few things for Sophie, and I ventured over to look at shoes for myself. Since I have lost a little fat in my feet, I really want some cute shoes. Needless to say, we left with cute new shoes for Sophie. They were a really good deal. And her spring tennies have been worn to shreds since sandal weather still hasn't started. By the time we got to the checkout Sophie had ran away once and had at least three melt downs. I was happy she was entertaining herself with the cart, but the stupid checkout lady kept saying "Mam, she can't do that". Lest you think I am just being mean, this lady has helped me many times, is slower than frickin molasses, and has undercharged me more than once. Mind you, in my past life, I had to scold many a child for their antics, usually directly since the parents were no where to be found. I would speak directly to the parent if they were there and letting their kids climb on the racks like monkey bars, but I never scolded anyone for letting their child push the shopping cart. Payback is a bitch, I guess. Three more melt downs later and we got home where Chet put Sophie down for a nap.

Tomorrow I have an interview. And for the first time since I have been looking, I think I will actually go. I just hope my headache goes away so I don't sound like a blubbering idiot.


  1. Ann, forgot to ask you how the interview went?

  2. Judy, it went really well. They hired someone else, but the store manager really liked me and called me personally to tell me. He said he would give all of my info to the DM in case something opens up.



About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.