Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sometimes I wonder what the world is coming to.

Last Sunday, four cops were gunned down in cold blood in a coffee shop while getting ready for their shifts. This happened about a half hour from our house. I found out when I was chatting online with my sister who lives out of state, and my dad called her. I turned on the tv, and it wasn't on yet, but eventually they broke into it. I just instantly felt sick to my stomach. Someone walked in to a Forza Cafe, shot the four officers, and left. That is what we knew at the time. There were two employees and a few customers there at the time. They were not hurt, physically anyway. I'm sure they will have nightmares the rest of their lives. I can't even imagine. Having worked with the public for a very long time, I of course never dealt with anything like this, but there were many times I feared for my safety. People can be very volatile and unpredictable. We dealt with the police often, when ever shoplifters were caught. Even when a cop walked in the store in uniform to look around, I instantly felt safer. I could never dream they could be executed like that.

Thanks to the heroic witnesses, they pretty quickly recovered the getaway vehicle, and in turn, had a "person of interest". By Monday morning, he was a suspect. Maurice Clemmons, a pardoned, parolee out on bail. Monday was spent searching various places he was thought to be. By Monday night, they still had not found him. By then it was reported that he may have been wounded in a struggle with one of the slain officers. It was scary thinking he was on the loose. Tuesday, I woke up to the news that he had been shot in the middle of the night by an officer acting on a report of a stolen vehicle. Thank God this officer survived his meeting with this maniac. Clemmons was shot and killed when he refused to stop, and reached for his waist band. They later found a gun belonging to the slain officer that shot him. Yes, given an extra second, he would have shot this Seattle officer with the gun of a slain Lakewood officer. Un- fucking believable. Yet, this is only half the story.

First of all, Maurice Clemmons was sentenced as a youth in Arkansas to 99 years for armed robbery. There had to be aggravated circumstances for him to get that sentence. But, he was later pardoned. At one point he violated parole and went back to jail. Then got out again. This year, he was arrested for CHILD RAPE and assault on a police officer, but made bail!!! Why a parolee accused of CHILD RAPE is eligible for bail is beyond me. Not only that, but who the hell would give him the funds to post bail??? Which leads me to:

The friends and family who posted his bail in the past, helped him after he murdered four officers in cold blood! I swear, this is so fucking disturbing to me. It gets better though! So, someone drove the getaway car. Someone else drove him to Seattle. At least two people helped him with his wound. Right now there are six accomplices in jail that I know of. I haven't watched the news today though. People helped him hide. I guess he ran out of places, as the police were on him, and ended up stealing a car and being out on the street at 2 in the morning. I don't know if he stole it himself or not. Since he had a group of stupid, fucked up people doing things for him. There was a 125k reward. Why didn't someone call, if for nothing else, to get the reward money. Maybe they were afraid of him? Or maybe afraid of friends of his. He had a gun wound in the stomach for Christ's sake. He was moving around. Someone could have called. He couldn't have been holding a gun to every ones head. But wait!! At Thanksgiving dinner, THREE DAYS before the shooting, he talked about killing people. Children, strangers at an intersection, cops. Every single fuck head at that dinner needs to be arrested. Go home, go to the other room, go for a walk, because you know they all have cell phones. Call the police, don't leave your name. Just let them know that a pardoned, paroled, out on bail violent criminal has just talked about killing random cops, people, and CHILDREN. Oh no, instead lets wait until he does it, help him, act like you don't have any idea why you are being arrested, and COMPLAIN that your shitty houses were torn up in the SEARCH. On the NEWS!!! Why the media is airing this crap, who knows. Ratings I suppose. Why else would they air footage of people saying what a great guy the fucking KILLER was!? And you know those people just want their face out there. Now there will probably be lawsuits against the police department to recoup their losses. For shit that was probably stolen in the first place, seeing as their hero was a convicted, though pardoned, burglar.

As for the media, you don't have to report every tidbit of information. Why report what he said at Thanksgiving dinner. To give ideas to the other nut jobs out there? As scary as it is that someone could walk in and kill four officers, or anyone, in cold blood, it is almost as scary that this sob had a network of support. And they are still here. And out on bail in no time, I'm sure.

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.