Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goodbye 2009

Wow, what a year. A very strange, satisfying year. I started out at the end of 2008 thinking I would be working within the first six months of the year, and here I am still at home with Sophie.

Of course, the worst part of this year was having to put Simon down. Last New Years Eve Chet and I went to see "Marley and Me", and we both were crying at the end. Chet was crying so hard I had to drive home. Wee knew at that time Simon didn't have long, but I thought he would make it through the year. I still cry every time I look at his picture, or think about him, or talk about him. Losing him was very sad and hard. At first I thought we would get a new puppy as soon as possible, but right now I don't know that any of us are ready for that. We are working well as our little family of four.

One week before we put Simon down I started Weight Watchers. So far I have lost 28 pounds. I didn't have a great week last week, I didn't lose or gain. I wanted to hit 30 by the Ne Year, but hopefully next week. One of main goals during my time at home was to lose weight, and all I did was gain 10 pounds. While I wish I would have started when I quit my job, I am so happy I am doing it now.

Overall, this is has been a very different year for me. Being at home, in full mommy mode has been wonderful. While it has cost us a lot of money, it has well been worth it. So maybe I will have to work a little longer into my golden years, but I would not give up this time for anything. Besides having precious time with my girl, it has enabled me to spread my wings socially in a way I never have. I have made some wonderful friends and shed a little bit of my social awkwardness. Sophie and I have spent a lot of time doing fun things, like play dates and different outings we never would have done before. So even after I go back to work, I know I will have this great network of mom friends that I can count on.

2010 promises to bring a lot of changes. Hopefully an exciting new job in a somewhat different field. While I would love to stay home until Sophie starts school, I know that is probably not in the cards. But whatever happens, I know it will be a great year because I have Chet, Sophie and Toby.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Since I am not working yet, I decided to really enjoy this Christmas season and pack as many fun things in as possible. Chet Sophie and I went to Zoolights the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we went to downtown Seattle, Sophie and I made a few trips to my favorite mall, we met different friends at fun and festive places, and we had a toddler cookie decorating party. This week was going to be more low key. We had fun on Monday, meeting my cousin and her son at a favorite store and then having lunch. Tuesday was a stay at home day, to do some cleaning, wrapping, etc. Tuesday night Sophie had a runny nose and was a little fussy. Sure enough, Wednesday morning when I went to get her, her cheeks were bright red and she cried when I picked her up because she was achy. We were supposed to go to my parents that day, but instead my mom came over. I called the doctors office and the nurse called back and said it sounded like a cold, give her tylenol and watch her. Thursday we stayed home again, baking cookies for Santa and doing more cleaning and laundry. Chet picked up pizza for us and we had Sophie open a couple of gifts. Daddy read her The Night Before Christmas, and then we put her to bed. Chet started putting together a table and chairs my parents bought her, and I got ready to go to Mass by myself. Mass was very nice. The choir sung all my favorite Christmas songs, and the homily was very unique as usual with our Parish Priest. I notice on my way to Church that there were lots of lights, more than usual. I realized I hadn't really been out at night since the first weekend in December when Sophie and I went driving around to look at lights.

Christmas morning, Sophie still didn't feel good. She wanted milk, so Daddy got her milk and we went out to see if Santa had come. If she was not sick I know she would have been more excited. Chet and I really didn't get her a ton of stuff, but combined with everyone else, it was a lot. After a while she really got into unwrapping things. She loved her stocking. I am glad I decided to wrap everything, even the Dora bandaids. I think that was her favorite part. She later pulled everything out to show my parents, and did that again today to show me. I put all the stocking stuff away now, so I hope she isn't upset tomorrow. Her stocking was full of basic stuff, like a Hello Kitty toothbrush, Dora big girl panties, socks, ponytail holders, etc. I think she would have been happy with just that stuff. Santa brought her a kids digital camera, because he must know how much she likes taking pictures. Daddy drew her name in the name drawing we do with my family, and got her a new baby doll. We got her some dress up clothes, a little chair for her doll, a new nightgown, a step stool I got at Target really cheap, and an Elmo Goes Potty video. All told, we only spent about $100. We actually spend less now than we did before we had Sophie, because we used to spend a lot more on each other. Of course my parents got her a ton of stuff, and she also got a lot of things from Chet's mom, and all of her aunties and uncles, including her honorary auntie, my bff. We really don't buy her things throughout the year, other than clothes, so I am fine with her being a little spoiled on Christmas and her birthday. My parents came in the afternoon, bringing her more things of course. So she played with Grandma and Grandpa and I made a roast with carrots, garlic mashed potatoes and rolls. Then my parents left and we bundled up Sophie and went driving around looking at lights. That was very nice. When we got home we all pretty much crashed. All in all it was a very wonderful and special Christmas, even though Sophie was sick. Since she stared holding and pulling her ears last night I called the doctor first thing this morning and we got in today. Luckily we got to see her pedi, and she has a bad double ear infection. So now we have antibiotics and hopefully it can clear up soon. I have spent many a Christmas sick, so I hope Sophie doesn't ever get sick again on Christmas. It's no fun.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nine weeks/eight weeks

So, today is nine weeks since I started weight watchers. My weigh in was this morning, and I lost a pound since last week. My previous four weeks were better numbers, so that didn't surprise me. I have lost a total of 28 pounds in 9 weeks. I was hoping to hit 30 by Christmas, but New Years would be good too. We'll see.

Today is 8 weeks since we had to put our pug Simon down. I can't believe it has been that long. I miss him so much. Our other Pug Toby is still out of sorts. Sophie still mentions Simon, but I think she gets that he is gone. I can't see his picture or think about him or talk about him with out crying. But of course I do look at his picture, talk about him, think about him, and cry. I have to. That's just how I am.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas is coming!!

I love Christmas. I love the lights, the decorations, the tree, the carols, the whole Christmas atmosphere. My favorite thing is the Christmas spirit. These days, it is sometimes hard to find. Everyone gets so caught up in shopping, parties, getting things done, that instead of having a Christmas spirit, they are crabbier than normal. So not the idea of Christmas, I think. The first time I realized that not everyone was happy and jolly at Christmas time was in 1987. I started working in 1986, but my sister died in a car accident that Thanksgiving, and I didn't go back to work until a couple of weeks before Christmas. I was in such a haze, I don't remember that Christmas. The following year, I was excited to be at work during Christmas. I was so excited that our sometimes crabby customers would all be happy and full of glee. I was bitterly disappointed to discover that people were actually worse during Christmas. Each year, it only got worse. Growing up, we had lots of family traditions at Christmas. I remember being 7 years old and running home to see that my mom had put lights in the windows. We decorated Christmas cookies, we went downtown to see Santa, we went to Mass and dinner on Christmas Eve. Our extended family has always had a Christmas party the Sunday before Christmas. Growing up we all drew names, so that was the first gift of the season. A precursor to Christmas, so to speak. It was always fun to see who had your name. As we got older, our Christmases got bigger and bigger. As much as I loved the presents, it was not all about the day, but the season, and it still is. I love to drive around and look at Christmas decorations. I like going to the malls and seeing all the festive decor. It is a special time of year, and should feel special. I love the gatherings, the baking, the festivals, everything. All the years that I longed for a baby, Christmas time was the worse. I wanted a child to share the season with. It was apropos that I found out I was pregnant 12 days before Christmas. Then 3 days before Christmas I found out I was in danger of having my third miscarriage. I was put on bed rest. Then taken off, then put back on. Of course, the next Christmas Sophie was here, and I was working six days a week. Sophie was only four months old that Christmas, so she didn't realize what was going on, but I did. And it was the best Christmas ever. Last year I wasn't working, and we did some of our usual traditions, but then we got snowed in for the week before and many functions were canceled, much to my chagrin. This year, since I still am not working, I have made sure we do as many fun things as possible. I have packed our schedule a bit, but I am savoring every memory. I decided to spend more money on making memories than actual gifts. I really think everyone should do that. Then maybe they wouldn't be so hurried, stressed, crabby and so not in the Holiday spirit. I don't want anyone getting stressed over buying me a gift. I much rather they sit back and enjoy the season.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sometimes I wonder what the world is coming to.

Last Sunday, four cops were gunned down in cold blood in a coffee shop while getting ready for their shifts. This happened about a half hour from our house. I found out when I was chatting online with my sister who lives out of state, and my dad called her. I turned on the tv, and it wasn't on yet, but eventually they broke into it. I just instantly felt sick to my stomach. Someone walked in to a Forza Cafe, shot the four officers, and left. That is what we knew at the time. There were two employees and a few customers there at the time. They were not hurt, physically anyway. I'm sure they will have nightmares the rest of their lives. I can't even imagine. Having worked with the public for a very long time, I of course never dealt with anything like this, but there were many times I feared for my safety. People can be very volatile and unpredictable. We dealt with the police often, when ever shoplifters were caught. Even when a cop walked in the store in uniform to look around, I instantly felt safer. I could never dream they could be executed like that.

Thanks to the heroic witnesses, they pretty quickly recovered the getaway vehicle, and in turn, had a "person of interest". By Monday morning, he was a suspect. Maurice Clemmons, a pardoned, parolee out on bail. Monday was spent searching various places he was thought to be. By Monday night, they still had not found him. By then it was reported that he may have been wounded in a struggle with one of the slain officers. It was scary thinking he was on the loose. Tuesday, I woke up to the news that he had been shot in the middle of the night by an officer acting on a report of a stolen vehicle. Thank God this officer survived his meeting with this maniac. Clemmons was shot and killed when he refused to stop, and reached for his waist band. They later found a gun belonging to the slain officer that shot him. Yes, given an extra second, he would have shot this Seattle officer with the gun of a slain Lakewood officer. Un- fucking believable. Yet, this is only half the story.

First of all, Maurice Clemmons was sentenced as a youth in Arkansas to 99 years for armed robbery. There had to be aggravated circumstances for him to get that sentence. But, he was later pardoned. At one point he violated parole and went back to jail. Then got out again. This year, he was arrested for CHILD RAPE and assault on a police officer, but made bail!!! Why a parolee accused of CHILD RAPE is eligible for bail is beyond me. Not only that, but who the hell would give him the funds to post bail??? Which leads me to:

The friends and family who posted his bail in the past, helped him after he murdered four officers in cold blood! I swear, this is so fucking disturbing to me. It gets better though! So, someone drove the getaway car. Someone else drove him to Seattle. At least two people helped him with his wound. Right now there are six accomplices in jail that I know of. I haven't watched the news today though. People helped him hide. I guess he ran out of places, as the police were on him, and ended up stealing a car and being out on the street at 2 in the morning. I don't know if he stole it himself or not. Since he had a group of stupid, fucked up people doing things for him. There was a 125k reward. Why didn't someone call, if for nothing else, to get the reward money. Maybe they were afraid of him? Or maybe afraid of friends of his. He had a gun wound in the stomach for Christ's sake. He was moving around. Someone could have called. He couldn't have been holding a gun to every ones head. But wait!! At Thanksgiving dinner, THREE DAYS before the shooting, he talked about killing people. Children, strangers at an intersection, cops. Every single fuck head at that dinner needs to be arrested. Go home, go to the other room, go for a walk, because you know they all have cell phones. Call the police, don't leave your name. Just let them know that a pardoned, paroled, out on bail violent criminal has just talked about killing random cops, people, and CHILDREN. Oh no, instead lets wait until he does it, help him, act like you don't have any idea why you are being arrested, and COMPLAIN that your shitty houses were torn up in the SEARCH. On the NEWS!!! Why the media is airing this crap, who knows. Ratings I suppose. Why else would they air footage of people saying what a great guy the fucking KILLER was!? And you know those people just want their face out there. Now there will probably be lawsuits against the police department to recoup their losses. For shit that was probably stolen in the first place, seeing as their hero was a convicted, though pardoned, burglar.

As for the media, you don't have to report every tidbit of information. Why report what he said at Thanksgiving dinner. To give ideas to the other nut jobs out there? As scary as it is that someone could walk in and kill four officers, or anyone, in cold blood, it is almost as scary that this sob had a network of support. And they are still here. And out on bail in no time, I'm sure.


About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.