Thursday, April 8, 2010

High school sucked

I hated high school. HATED IT!! It is hard to be a teenager and have no self esteem. I did develop a small group of friends, which was great. But overall, I sucked at being social, and that made high school miserable. I have often said that I am so glad we didn't have the internet back then. The bullying that goes on now is at a whole other level, thanks to the internet, texting, Facebook, etc. I am hoping that by the time Sophie is that age, things will change a little. Probably not.

Sometimes, I still feel like I am in high school. I really like Facebook. It comes in handy when you have family that lives out of state. It is so easy to post pictures and stay in touch. But there are some downsides. I try to mainly have friends on there that I know in real life. Most are in some way related to me, or I know them through church. Only a handful are from high school. I don't have a lot of friends on there, so when one drops off, I notice. And I go looking to see who it was. So today I notice one has dropped off. This person still has the same mutual friends. I was the only one deleted. What did I do? I did respond to someone else with a slightly off color joke, and I used the word "butt" in my status. Other than that, I can't imagine what was offensive. And this is someone I see on a weekly basis. I guess I will just ignore it. I will see if I am treated differently next time I see her. I did notice she wasn't too friendly today, but she is kind of quiet in general. I just feel like crap. Like I am fifeteen again. And I am 43.


About Me

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Washington, United States
After being obese my entire adult life, I started Weight Watchers on 10/20/09. So far, so good.